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Quiet Quitting The New Workplace Trend

Quiet Quitting: The New Workplace Trend

What is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting refers to employees who put no more effort into their jobs than absolutely necessary. This does not mean that they are quitting their jobs, but rather that they are opting to do the minimum requirements of their job and nothing more.

Why is Quiet Quitting Becoming Popular?

The trend of quiet quitting is believed to be a response to the burnout and dissatisfaction that many employees are feeling in the workplace. This is particularly prevalent among Gen Z workers, who have helped the term go viral on TikTok.

How Can Employers Address Quiet Quitting?

Employers who are concerned about quiet quitting should take steps to address the underlying causes of the problem. This may include providing employees with more opportunities for professional development, increasing compensation and benefits, and improving workplace culture.
