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Graeme Souness Former Rangers Player Manager Retires From Sky Sports

Graeme Souness: Former Rangers Player-Manager Retires from Sky Sports

Souness's Rangers Legacy

Graeme Souness's appointment as Rangers player-manager in April 1986 marked the beginning of a successful period for the club. Under Souness, Rangers won three Scottish league titles and four League Cups.

Player-Manager Success

Souness's transition from player to manager was seamless. He played his final game for Rangers in 1986 and immediately took charge of the team. His leadership and tactical acumen led Rangers to domestic dominance, culminating in a league title in his first season as manager.

Departure from Sky Sports

After 15 years as a Sky Sports pundit, Graeme Souness has announced his retirement from the role. Souness has been a popular and respected voice in football broadcasting, offering insightful analysis and commentary.

Landmark Anniversary

Souness's appointment as Rangers manager on April 8, 1986, is a landmark anniversary. It marks the beginning of a near 15-year period of success under his stewardship, establishing Rangers as a force in Scottish football.
